Development of the HOST Board Game for Hospitality Staff with Autism

The HOST Board Game is based on real-life challenges in Hospitality work and allows staff with Autism to prepare and overcome challenges during day-to-day work while also creating an engaging environment between colleagues in the form of team-building.

HOST VET Methodology Development

The consortium has created a unique HOST VET Methodology to lay the foundation for implementing the HOST VET Curriculum for Hospitality Human Resources and Managers. The HOST Methodology aims to identify the best approach for employing staff with Autism, while also promoting their social inclusion and skills development within organisations.

HOST VET Course for Hospitality Management and HR Experts

The goals of the VET Course are:

Project reference number: 2022-1-CY01-KA220-VET-000086365. The project is realised by international partners with various backgrounds (see more in the section “PROJECT PARTNERS”).

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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